March 2018, The Playhouse, Derry/London Derry, UK (north Ireland)
The method that I created: Artistic Alteration through self-affiliation.
Topical Discourse
Organized by: Minerva Academy Researcher: John Johnston My role: workshop leader. 16 April 2018, Groningen Participants: students of the master education in arts.
The artist-educator who enables social change as a creative change agent.
In the workshop, we worked on designing a new method, that could create a safe classroom for the learners.
Liberal Arts Event
Organized by: Windesheim University Lecturer: Claire Boonstra My role: workshop leader. 30 October 2018, Zwolle
Workshop: Education system and Oppression The lecture was about comparing "The banking" and "Dialogue" concepts (Freire, 1968)
Banking: This type of education is reducing students' skills in understanding, analysis, and criticism.
Dialogue: This allows learners to identify procedures to improve their living conditions.
The space-in-between
Other creators: Yke Reeder 2018, Minerva Art Academy, Groningen
A performance with Yke Reeder addressing the connection and the space-in-between communication.
With one line we started a dialogue, each line of ours continued the story of others.